🤑 Solo-founder makes $39,000/mo

New startups added

Hi everyone — It’s Jaisal.

Welcome to a fresh edition of the Startups.fyi newsletter!

Every week I write this email where I share real life examples of money-making online businesses and side-projects (and how much $$$ they make).

Before we begin, a quick shout-out to our sponsor…

HypeLife Brands is a holistic marketing agency specializing in working with lifestyle startups at all stages, helping visionary leaders build and launch a marTech stack poised for aggressive customer traction growth.

Startup Spotlight

🤯 “Super simple” Listserv replacement makes $39k/mo (solo-founder).

🧐 This “Boring” proofreading service makes around $22,000/mo.

🚀 Library of premium jetpack components made over $2,500 last month.

🎥 This tool uses immersive interactive videos to help you drive conversions and makes <$100/mo.

Let’s get YOUR startup listed! 🤩

Use this link to share your project with 13,000+ startup founders, entrepreneurs and indie makers.


🤑 Vasco made $18k last month with a simple SaaS.

🚀 Here’s how this founder built a 7 figure per month newsletter business.

🤯 How Ali Abdaal makes $5M+ with 1 employee.

💸 How Deel went from $0 to $300m ARR in 3 years.

🔎 Reece is looking to sell his AI app.

🏰 7 types of business moats.

(Tag @ratheejaisal to get your content featured in next week’s roundup)


NEW: Is passive income possible for freelancers without a huge nest egg? Find out how a family man from Arkansas did it in his mind-opening article: The Truth About Passive Income

Curated selection of assets available for acquisition under $15,000: SaaS, website, app, newsletter, e-commerce, domain names and more.

📣 Shout-outs are paid ads that help support this newsletter. Book yours here.

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Promote your product in our newsletter and reach over 13,000+ of the most ambitious and inspiring startup founders and indie makers on the planet.

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That’s it for this time! See you again next week.

— Jaisal (@ratheejaisal)

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